Squire Fan Club Newsletter
New Dates, Releases and Lineup Changes! - The Latest Newsletter

Hi and welcome to the latest news where we're going to share some exciting live dates, announce some releases, and introduce some changes to the lineup! Upcoming Live Dates First of all, we have a really exciting first live date on Saturday April 5th in Spain! We'll be appearing at the Sixties Weekend Miranda de Ebro festival - this is the first time we've been to Spain since 2013, so it's an exceptional opportunity. The Ebro club press release says (as translated from Spanish - always more fun to read!): "Squire needs no introduction, are living history of the revival...
Newsletter: The Life!

"The Life is all there is... Everything else is a fraud, a fake—somebody else’s thing you’ve been conned into." This bold declaration of self-definition and rejection of conformity came straight from the Noonday Underground chapter in Tom Wolfe’s The Pump House Gang and directly inspired the Squire song The Life, which opens Get Smart! in dramatic, assertive fashion. As we conclude our trilogy following It’s a Mod Mod World and Noonday Underground, we explore The Life—the mindset, the music, and the philosophy of belonging to something real. The Noonday Underground chapter introduces The Life—not just a lifestyle, but a...
Newsletter: The Noonday Underground!

Hi and welcome back to our ongoing exploration of the Squire songs that specifically celebrate mod culture! Last time, we looked at "It's a Mod Mod World" and its take on style and identity. This week, we're diving into another mod focused song - “Noonday Underground!” This song might seem like a simple set filler at first listen, but it carries deeper connections to both the original '60s mod scene and our own revival movement. While the music was written specifically as an easy danceable song, with a triplet intro that nods to the Beatles cover of Smokey Robinson &...
Newsletter: The Vinyl Vault!

The Vault Sale: Rare Finds from My Collection! Hi everyone, After a recent clear out, we found all sorts of interesting records and artefacts. The previous rare records newsletter created huge interest, showcasing a few of the rare Squire records - and many of you bought the pink sleeve No Time Tomorrow! Well there’s more! Records from other bands!! We are going to list these for sale, but since they are all wrapped up in the Squire history and have fascinating stories, its a great opportunity to also share some of this background with you before they go off to...
Newsletter: It's A Mod Mod World!

Hi and welcome to the latest newsletter where we dive into some of the Squire lyrics! Last week, in the first instalment of our Squire lyrics deep-dive, we introduced the series by sharing the handwritten lyrics to "It’s a Mod Mod World," along with a glimpse into the initial inspiration behind the song - my sisters reminiscences of the 1960s mod culture jumbled with various images of ride outs, scooters, and the energy of the era. This week, I’m diving deeper into the song itself, reading between the lines so to speak, to connect its lyrics and themes to Mod subculture....