Welcome back to the Squire newsletter! We are letting the music do the talking with two amazing shows that appeared this week all the way from USA!
First up, the 6th October edition of CD Junkie appraises the Squire and Sugarplum releases!
Stephen Schnee has this to say:
On this episode of CD Junkie, I dive into the catalog of iconic early '80s Mod band SQUIRE. If you dig Power Pop, Jangle Pop, Mod, and '60s-influenced guitar pop, then this is your band. There's even a medley of Squire songs at the end of the video to get you in the mood!
Three days earlier on 3rd October 2021, Squire were featured on 5-4-3-2-1 with Lisa Mychols and Tom Richards!
An extraordinary and exuberant two hours which showcases how mod become and remains a fascinating melange of mod, ska and 60s, from the perspective of Southern California. The show kicks off with 'Its a Mod Mod World' and a wonderful shout out for Squire! Click on the picture below for the full show!
High praise indeed!
Here are links to the Get Ready To Go album featured in the CD Junkie podcast. Its available on CD, yellow or black vinyl and cassette!
All the best from Squire.